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Is it okay to scruff my cat?

Bryan Schmidt • Feb 01, 2023
Most people are familiar with scruffing a kitten - grasping the skin and fur on the back of their
shoulder blades. Kittens respond well to this, as it mimics how their mom would carry them. Do
adult cats respond to scruffing the same as kittens? Although this may be a somewhat effective
way to restrain them and/or move a cat, this can actually backfire on you for a number of

First off, an adult cat is too big to be supported safely in this fashion. Secondly, this type of
handling will likely cause the cat to try to fight back instead of calmly moving to where you
need them. Lastly, holding them in a scruff can actually damage the relationship they have with
you, or could have with you.

If you need to move or handle a cat that is resisting you, it is best to use a less is more
approach. For example, using a towel or heavy gloves will protect you and also allow your cat to
move more freely and not feel as restrained. This also gives you a way to hold your cat more
respectfully so that you do not break the trust you have with them.
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